Sunday, November 1, 2015

Userform With Multiple Pages

Advanced Userform Example - Userform With Multiple Pages

           We made at a template which creates an userform that contains multiple pages.

The multipage control contains two pages. At page 1,the user can fill in personnel informations (name,address,city,phone,birthdate,birthplace etc.)
At page 2, items of combobox (for choosing city)  can be added.

Also we added new menu on userform. Items of this menu :
- New
- Open
- Save
- Save As
- Print Preview
- Print
- Close

Also these controls can be used in this userform :
– Adding new record
– Deleting record
– Updating record
– Label To see total data
– Viewing items of listbox  with spin buttons (down/up)
– Assigning sort numbers for records (when  an item is deleted from  listbox, the sequence numbers are set again.)