Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Option Buttons Usage In Userform

Using Option Button Controls In Excel -Flight Information Registration Form

           This userform is prepared for recording the flight stats.
There are a lot of option buttons (form control) in this userform. Option buttons are activated or not activated depending on the situation.For example :

Private Sub OptVIP_Click()
    OptChild.Enabled = False
    OptInfant.Enabled = False
    OptinJ = True
    OptRtnJ = True
    OptinJ.Enabled = False
    OptRtnJ.Enabled = False
    OptInY.Enabled = False
    OptinZ.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub OptAdult_Click()
    OptUnMin.Enabled = False
    OptYoungPers.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub OptChild_Click()
    OptUnMin.Enabled = True
    OptYoungPers.Enabled = True
End Sub

Also the date userform is used , to enter date automatically into text boxes.